想像那個美好的時代-Woodstock 1969
也許是最近過於煩擾的生活讓我一直靜不下心來,而這樣的狀況卻讓我更加嚮往1969年的那場盛會,而由於科技的進步,好像我們也可以參加那場盛會,以下是我在YouTuBe上找到的於1969年Woodstock的一些片段,有The Jefferson Airplane、Grateful Dead、Jimi Hendrix、The Who等人,不多說了,看看吧
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (at woodstock)
也許是最近過於煩擾的生活讓我一直靜不下心來,而這樣的狀況卻讓我更加嚮往1969年的那場盛會,而由於科技的進步,好像我們也可以參加那場盛會,以下是我在YouTuBe上找到的於1969年Woodstock的一些片段,有The Jefferson Airplane、Grateful Dead、Jimi Hendrix、The Who等人,不多說了,看看吧
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (at woodstock)
標籤: 西洋音樂
2 則留言:
Forgive me for posting in English. I have a hard time input Chinese using the company-issued PC. Please don’t feel like you need to reply in English. That will only make me feel worse.
There were only two kinds of young people after Woodstock: those who have been there and those who wish they have been there. Of course, being in Taiwan, I could only dream I was there. I don’t know how many times I played the 3 LP Woodstock album in college when they came out. It has great stuff. Unlike today, that was the only things we could get our hands on, and maybe a few articles I cliped from magazines. I knew the album only contained a small amount of what was actually played. But who cares? I bet those who were there didn’t remember much about what was played, with the kind of stuff they were smoking in those days. The best music in there to me at that time was by Crosby Stills Nash and Young (absolutely in love with them), Santana, and Jimi Hendrix, in that order. Today things come to all of us a little too easy and everything become disposable, including music. A different era, that is for sure.
To Yando